How many blogs is a person to have?
Being that everything in my mind has to have its exact and perfect place, I'm truly perplexed with this one. I currently have the following blogs:
- The Ekcetera Blog - meant for customer and fans of the company. A look behind the scenes from my employees and I.
- The Kelly Garrett/Creative Dreams blog - this is me as a career woman. This isn't too personal of a site - just in case anyone wants to peek at bit deeper at the person who created Ekcetera. You'll also get a small feel for my personal life as well.
- The Pregnancy Blog - So I spilled the beans, a baby girl is coming in May. This is where I record my thought and memoirs for my daughter-to-be. This is the most personal of my blogs and I generally don't link it to anything else.
So, my thoughts are that once the baby comes, I need a family/baby blog to keep friends and family updated on our household lives. This can be done in the form of a family blog. But here's the issue...once the family blog arrives, does the Kelly Garrett blog disappear? I want store customers to have a tiny peek into what's going on in my life, but not too much, you know? I'd love to get my husband involved and we could both post in the family blog, but he hasn't joined the blog world yet. Good for that - then we'd have an entirely new dilemma!! One Dan, One Kelly, and a family blog? Now that's a bit much.
The issue ends up being, do I let the world see my family blog when the baby comes and drop the Creative Dreams one, or do I need to keep the distance and have all three?
What a problem!!!
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